A fantastic time was had by all, on our camping trip at the weekend. We saw some of these

and some of these

and even had a late night visit from one of these in our tent - eek!

It was always somewhat concerning to consider how the Boy would cope with the whole concept of sleeping outdoors, but even that was a resounding success. We did have a few rain showers, but fortunately the sun always shined when we needed it to.

I took the opportunity to discuss my twoforjoy ventures with friends. I always feel a bit embarrassed discussing and showing things I've made to people I know. Which is strange, because I don't really have an issue with discussing it here... I guess I still sometimes lack confidence in my designs, which I know is definitely something I need to get past, now that I've realised how much time and energy is needed for marketing! It does feel amazing to be talking to people about my business though, and I think the process of doing so has made it all feel a bit more real. And positive feedback is always a welcome bonus too.
Anyway, time to get on with some work now, or I'll have nothing to photograph for WIP Wednesday tomorrow.
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