

Monday Monday

A few months ago, I decided to have a try at some machine quilting. I thought I'd start off easy, and make a cot quilt for The Boy. Not having any idea about how well I would get on, I decided to keep things cheap, and pinned an ikea fleece to some old cotton sheeting. When I say machine quilting, I'm probably being a bit generous, as I've only really been sewing straight lines, albeit with coloured thread (again from ikea to keep it cheap while I found my way).

My throw-it-together-and-see-what-happens approach, resulted in me realising that I'd committed myself to stitching a blanket that was more double bed than cot sized, but I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out so far... even if it was supposed to be a project that i'd finish in a week, that I'm still working on I don't know how many months later! I think I've learnt a bit along the way (not to mention had the odd sewing machine drama or two) Unless you get up really really close, I'm not entirely sure that you can even tell that the cotton I've used is coloured (although I know that it is, and that makes me happy!) and If I'd thought through how large it was going to end up, I'd never have started stitching the lines so close together. Having said that, I've been quite pleased with the way it's turned out so far.. and I just love the crinkly scrunched up way that the back looks..all cosy and perfect for snuggling under on the sofa!

All I need to do now, is finish it!

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