

Lucky me, an heirloom

I was lucky enough to be passed this tea service at the weekend, which belonged to my great-grandmother

While I am absolutely delighted to have received it, it would be fair to say that in a sense I am equally terrified of owning it; It's the kind of delicate bone china that I fear will break even if I look at it the wrong way, and alas, I'm rather renowned for my clumsiness. So for now, the set will stay living safely in a box, until I can find a way of displaying it that will allow me to enjoy it without having a minor coronary if the boy (or I for that matter) passes within a 2 metre radius!


  1. you're so lucky - it's gorgeous :) i'd be the same, terfed to even touch it! enjoy xxx

  2. that should have been terrified!! :) x

  3. I have a very similar problem! All my family china sits in a box carefully stacked away as well :) It's lovely though, hope you find a way to display it at some point.
