

Friday find

I picked up this little lovely today for the princely sum of £2.

She needs a bit of tlc - if you look around the edges then someone's obviously robbed her of her frame, but I thought she'd fit right in around here. I now have an extra project on my hands in the form of learning how to clean up oil paintings (do I dare?!) I also have a second picture that I bought quite recently... I can't really tell you why I liked it, but I really loved the soft muted colours, and decided it could have a home with me too... I'm quite hospitable like that

I just love the fact that I've got two completely unique pieces of artwork for next to nothing...I find it mad to think that so many people are happy to opt for the safe option and adorn their walls with run of the mill high-street store prints, when there are little beauties like these lurking in charity and junk shops. Each to their own I guess...I'd be a sad world if we all liked the same thing... and on the bright side, it means all the more treasures for me to uncover!


dream kitchen

It's that time of the week when I get kitchen envy

I love, love, love everything about Nigel Slater's kitchen. So simple and understated.

One day such a kitchen will be mine

And I wouldn't mind eating simple suppers for dinner every day either!



I'm gradually building up a bit of a stash of all supplies, but I think it would be fair to say that sometimes the spontaneity of me being able to create and come up with new ideas is slightly hampered by the fact that if i want to make anything, I firstly have to go out and buy all of the constituent parts. As a result, I'm always on the look out for inexpensive ways of adding to my crafting store cupboard. I recently stumbled upon an ebay shop selling huge bundles of buttons and was really quite amazed at both the quantity, quality and variety that I was able to buy. Now they're all neatly organised by colour. I'm a bit - ok a lot - obsessive about that kind of thing (I also arrange my books by colour, much to the bemusement and infuriation of the Frenchman) I'm not generally inclined to hoarding tendencies, however they look like such lovely jars of jewels, that I'm really quite loathed to use them!


I am hugely guilty of having completely neglected my blog for longer than I care to remember now. It's been a pretty hectic few weeks really - I had a quick jaunt to Sweden last week and then we had a long weekend visiting family, so having been out of the country and then county, I think I'll let myself off this once. The house is also looking decidedly unfestive so far, so I've resigned myself to waiting until the weekend to put up our decorations... the big debate really is tree or no tree...we are at home this year, so it'd certainly make the place look all cosy and Chrismassy, but of course the question would be how long it'd stay upright with an 18 month old in the house! My advent calendar efforts lasted all of 2 days before sneaky jaunts to sitting room, soon followed by furtive parcel opening rustles put paid to that plan! Anyway, as another thing that I'm guilty of is my sewing room looking like my fabric cupboard has exploded, I'm off to have a bit of a blitz on my room.... oh to be a tidy worker!



So it's December, and the countdown to Christmas has begun - eek!
The snow has finally decided to visit our part of the world, and the Boy seems to have decided to hibernate

I can't say I blame him ...
perhaps we shouldn't read the hungry caterpillar again for a while though.